Subject Matter Expert

Nine Dot Connects is different by design. Unlike others who sell their wares and move on, Christopher, the founder of Nine Dot Connects, understands that the PCB space decisions will not be taken lightly. With his years of experience, backed by an Electrical Engineering degree, he deeply understands the complexities of PCB design. He has been honing this knowledge with each layout and service opportunity that comes through Nine Dot Connects. At Nine Dot Connects, the sale is not the end but just the beginning.

Christopher invests in knowledge. The training products developed, the monthly webinars, and even the unique services Nine Dot Connects provides (e.g., library management and L9, Concord Pro assistance, PCB Foundations training, DDR3 / High-speed layout, simulation, to name a few) only exist because Christopher is willing to invest in them.

Christopher built a business by investing knowledge in an area of engineering and design that is anything but simple or straightforward. This knowledge is not just reserved for his team or the customers who purchase services. He invested in this knowledge to make himself what's often referred to as a Subject Matter Expert (SME). This ensures that when you call with a PCB idea, need, or guidance, you know that you will talk to someone who truly "gets it."

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