Upcoming Training Courses

We currently offer 12 standard PCB, EDA, and custom onsite training courses. Here we highlight our upcoming classes.

         REGISTER for June18-21 Interactive Online
  • Full Spectrum - Altium Designer - Created for PCB designers and engineers who have prior EDA tool experience but limited experience with AD. Though the course is based on our Boot Camp course offering, it moves faster, covering more detail in each section, and includes enhanced exercises. Diving deeper into the PCB editor features, such as rigid-flex, via types, advanced routing, planes and polygons, and design rules. This 4-day course will help you gain a significant advancement of proficiency and knowledge in using AD.

         REGISTER for April 30-May 2 Interactive Online
  • PCB Foundations - PCB Design - This training is a complete overview of the PCB process, from conception to manufacturing. Besides looking at the schematics and PCB from a process point of view, lesser-known but vitally important topics of fabrication, assembly, DFM (design for manufacturing), and specification writing are also presented. Note that this class does not require prior knowledge of any particular electronic design tool(s).

         REGISTER (contact us for a date)
  • Boot Camp - Altium Designer - This training was developed to provide the key elements of Altium Designer to get you up and running in the tool. It is streamlined to provide pertinent information on three key features of the tool - library, schematic, and PCB editors.

         REGISTER (contact us for a date)
  • Spec Ops - Altium Designer - This is a follow on course to the Altium Boot Camp. However, this is not just another round of learning more features. This class has been specifically designed to demonstrate methods and practices to help make the PCB process more efficient and practical within Altium Designer.

You aren't sure which Altium Designer course to take? We have developed a quiz allowing you to self-access your knowledge in Altium Designer.

Take Altium Quiz

Are you not sure if the PCB Foundations course is right for you? We have developed a quiz that will allow you to self-access your PCB knowledge.

Take PCB Foundations Quiz