Your Library is the Foundation of Your Design

We know why you are here on this webpage. You have concluded that your libraries are now hindering your ability to design with efficiency. The quick fixes of copying from 3rd party libraries and previous projects have left you with disparate libraries, if any libraries at all. As a result, you are spending as much time finding and defining components as you are trying to design electronics.

If you are serious about getting this situation under control, we are here to help. The effort can be boiled down into three tasks:

  • Configuring a file system for your libraries
  • Collecting information such as existing libraries, projects, bills of materials, and purchasing data to create a library, then migrating such parts into the file system
  • Continuing updating of that library as new parts are added

We have provided additional web pages of information and videos on what you will need to do to accomplish these three tasks.


Let's not kid you for one moment. This is not a weekend project. It is not one-and-done. In fact, from our studies, cleaning 1000 components at 10 hours/week will take you about 12 months. This is assuming:

  • A file system is established.
  • The task is performed by a seasoned librarian or PCB designer.
  • A style guide has been established. Failure to do so will result in using the S.A.M. - Successive Approximation Model. This is the human tendency to add changes to the effort that were not applied when the effort was first begun. What you start with and what you end with are different.

And since libraries are not static, the work is not done after the initial clean-up.

We also know that this is a hard sell to management. It is a commitment by all stakeholders, not just the person trying to pull this together. The best analogy we can give you when arguing for our services: Imagine an expensive sports car fitted with thin spare "donut" tires. No matter how expensive or powerful that car is, it is limited by tire quality. The same holds true for all the software and database systems in place for your design work. Without the libraries, you have expensive and powerful software tools that will never live to their full potential or expectation.

Read on! More importantly, reach out to us if you have questions. No sales hype, just guidance and recommendations.

Nine Dot Connects review of performance:

We have used Nine Dot Connects over the past 5 months for both in-house instructor-led training and contract services related to part library creation, schematic translation, and board layout translation to Altium-based ECAD tools with very positive results.

The training was first-rate by highly conversant individuals with the material and good teachers in their own right. The electronic document translation work was handled efficiently and flexibly, dealing with the realities of our ability to support the effort. They were able to fill in the gaps where our resources were either unavailable or unable to provide complete information. Because of their knowledge of best practices and industry experience, we now have a solid collection of documents that can be updated and manipulated consistently with a common set of tools.

Jeffrey P. Milsap, P.E. Medical Device EE - Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals

I came to Nine Dot Connects with an extremely complicated PCB layout request, including multiple FPGAs with DDR4 interfaces and a large number of transceiver connections at 10+ Gbps. Virginia was the engineer assigned to the project, and she was very detail-oriented and did a great job with the many high-speed interfaces. Communication was always quick, and she could accommodate some schematic changes as the layout went on. She could also leverage another engineer's FPGA experience at Nine Dot Connects to help with the package skews of the FPGA. Despite the difficulty of the project, I am confident in the final layout.

Nima Badizadegan, EE - Calliphony

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