Coaching Overview

At Nine Dot Connects, we know that one's learning style, along with the toils of the job, requires more than a "one size fits all" approach to gaining knowledge. Therefore, we offer both training and coaching. Which one is best for you? Take a look below for more information:

"Coaching" is a service provided for those companies that need guidance in a particular aspect of workflow or tool capability. Coaching fills the need between formal training and impromptu support. Many customers have used coaching to explore better and understand tool features or gain guidance through a PCB design. While coaching offerings are similar to Nine Dot Connects' consulting services, its focus is on tools and workflow, whereas consulting is targeted to provide design-related assistance.

Coaching is provided via the purchase of a block of hours. The minimal block is 10 hours. It is a one-on-one coaching service. The onscreen hours are performed through GoToMeeting sessions and are a minimum of 2 hours. The session times are arranged with the instructor. The coaching block of hours is valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. Larger blocks are also available, though, for most companies, 10 hours tends to fit their needs. Excluded from coaching services are the Spec Ops training such as Concord Pro, Configuration Management, Cable Harness, SPICE, etc. The full list is provided here (click).

"In the process of creating a Space qualification level component Paul provided high level of expertise into using Altium's simulation tool. The tool was used for the evaluation of worst-case analysis and component derating. Without Paul's dedication to coaching me through the process, I do not believe the project would have reached the level of success it has to date. I recommend Paul's coaching and level of dedication to complete complex circuit simulations."
Dean Gacita - Staff Engineer, Kaman Precision Products

  • Optimal for "learn on the go" engineers who have to learn the tool and complete the project at the same time
  • Time flexibility - the coaching sessions are set up to the customer's hours of availability
  • No travel required or expenses incurred
  • Detailed insight into the tool's usage and capabilities that is not always provided during a formal group training
  • Can use purchased hours over a 6-month period

  • No PowerPoint slides, reference materials, or exercises. All of it is demonstrated as necessary.

"Training" is a service that the user purchases to attend a class that has a designated time and meeting place. It will have a structure or outline of topics. There are generally more than 8 individuals in the class. Most classes last between 2-3 full days, depending on the subject matter. The class may be held online or in a classroom. In many cases, there may be PowerPoint slides, a reference manual, and exercises. The training may provide all of the software tools and workstations necessary for the individual to attend.

  • The outline is known, and the structure is defined
  • Allows the user to focus on the training
  • Tool ramp-up time shortened

  • Requires several days that may impact work schedules
  • May require travel and incur expenses
  • Many of the topics may not be applicable or of interest
  • Drinking from the fire hose if new to the tool

Still not sure which is the best way to go? Here are some thought-provoking questions to consider:

  • Are you unable or unwilling to spend a week out-of-office in an 8-hour a day training class?
  • Are you proficient with Altium Designer but wish to dig deep into a particular capability?
  • Are you looking for that middle ground between self-study and formal training?
  • Are you looking for expert guidance as you work your way through your design project?
  • Are you trying to balance a tight schedule while trying to bridge knowledge gaps?
  • Are you needing help integrating Altium with a particular revision, process, and release control structure?
  • Are you finding the need to make a significant jump in the complexity of your high-speed digital design skills and looking for help in ramping quickly?
  • Are you struggling with installation, configuration, standardization, or methodology questions and decisions?

If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, you would benefit from our individualized coaching service, which allows you the control to schedule sessions as they fit your time constraints while focusing on the areas that you would like to learn more about. All of our coaching staff regularly engages in design projects, so they are expert trainers and designers.

Cost & Registration

"Having one-on-one coaching with Dan has been invaluable, as it gives me a 'seasoned veteran' I can call on to provide a well-rounded picture of design and tool usage. The first few hours alone answered a backlog of questions that built up over 6 months and gave me insight into best practices moving forward."

Colin O'Flynn - CTO
NewAE Technology Inc.

"The process of learning new software is similar to learning a new language. Without a teacher and guidance, a potential student is destined for feelings of defeat and eventual failure. Recently, I became a new Altium user. I played around with the program, but could not master it, so I felt confident in its use. I decided to invest in coaching offered through Nine Dot Connects. The instructor named Paul is a professional teacher who has helped me significantly build my skill level. At the start of each session, we discuss goals and then quickly got to work. At the end of each session, I feel like I learned as much in an hour or two as what would have otherwise taken me a week. The sessions have allowed me to take an idea from my head and turn it into a product at a pace that I never thought possible."

Andrew Quinlan - Sr. Electronics Engineer
Packers Plus Energy Services