10 things that may surprise you about engineers in the         PCB process

At Nine Dot Connects, we try to address the "pain points" in the PCB design flow, from an EDA tool's functional capabilities to the PCB process itself. We can do this because all of us at Nine Dot Connects has walked a mile or two in your shoes.

We have learned (the hard way through experience) that engineering and business mix like oil and water. Much like many things in life, the PCB process that we logically believe should happen is not the PCB process in place. By understanding what makes us engineers tick, we can address the PCB process from a different, positive, and productive angle.

This webinar will focus on several observations we have made here at Nine Dot Connects as we have interfaced with numerous engineers and managers. These observations are so evident that quite frankly, they are not obvious. Join us for a webinar meant to cordially explain those engineering idiosyncrasies that you and your colleagues were never comfortable discussing with management.

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