Libraries Built to Last

Component libraries represent a huge accumulated investment in the design content underpinning every electronic assembly you create. But with many different library management strategies, how do you decide which strategy best suits your organization so that the components and library structure you create today have lasting value?

In this video, we'll examine the common errors made when a library is first being developed, and more importantly, we'll outline the various strategies you can take to ensure that your library infrastructure can grow as your organizational needs evolve. This webinar will help ensure your libraries are built to last by keeping this clear picture of the end in mind.

What you will learn:

  • Different library strategies and their implications
  • How to choose the correct library strategy for your organization
  • Best-practice component management techniques for each strategy

Who should attend?

  • Engineering managers
  • Designers
  • Component Librarians
  • Component Procurers

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