High-Speed Design (Signal Integrity) in Altium Designer

The term 'High-Speed' design, a popular term in the EDA industry, is used by many EDA companies to express the idea that their tool has functionality that makes it better at producing electrically stable designs. However, like analog design, high-speed design is a part of art form and science. Though Altium Designer provides functionality to assist in high-speed design, it still requires an understanding to apply those capabilities properly.

Altium Designer provides core capabilities to assist in analyzing, constraining and routing high-speed interconnects.

In this webinar, we will explore:

  • The Layer Stack Manager, as it relates to proper stack up for design
  • Noise and how to mitigate it through proper layer stack up
  • The Signal Integrity tools that Altium provides, including cross-talk and reflections
  • The Signal Integrity rules and how they relate to Signal Integrity capabilities

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