Advanced PCB Design Techniques-Altium         Designer (3 days)

Today, PCB designers face serious challenges when creating circuit boards with ever-increasing performance requirements and board densities that push the limits of fabrication. Designing for manufacturing and knowing how to apply precision layout techniques are crucial in today's designs.

The techniques taught in this course will be ideal for those that have moderate to expert experience in Altium Designer but have only recently been exposed to the type of circuits that have tight timing and low noise requirements and/or use tiny pitch footprints that require creative ways to fanout and route in very dense environments.

The PCB Design Techniques course covers many of the essential aspects of modern PCB design, using demonstrations by industry-experienced instructors and practical exercises to help you be successful in your designs. This Altium Designer-based course covers the following:

  • High-Density Interconnects (HDI) Designs
  • Component Placement
  • Routing Techniques
  • Signal Integrity in both High-Speed Digital and Mixed-Signal Circuits
  • DDR3/DDR4 Interfaces
  • Power Distribution
  • Design for Manufacturing and Test (DFM and DFT)

As with all of the Nine Dot Connects training courses, efficient exercises will allow you to experience the challenges of these techniques while being closely guided by an experienced PCB designer. After taking this course, you should be ready to take on many challenges of modern PCB design confidently.

This course is under development to help PCB Designers deal with the trending challenges of higher-performing and tighter-density circuit boards. It is due out in Q1 2024.

If you are interested in this course, please let us know. There is no obligation, and it will allow us to set training dates.

Please fill out the form below to express your interest.