Deep Dive - Vias

If you have attended our webinars in the past, we are always pressed to keep the presentations under an hour. With any given topic, there is far more information than we can present. How often have we said, "There's more to it, but" or "We don't have the time to go into detail?"

Therefore, we will hold our first deep dive session. From the feedback we have received from our webinar on PCB stack-ups, there is an interest in the topic of vias, mainly their purpose, types of vias available, stack-up, DFM, and layout considerations.

The format of this webinar is simple enough - we will speak on the topic for 20 minutes. Though we may show pictures to help illustrate a point, this is not a PowerPoint or formal presentation. We want this webinar to be driven by participant questions.

Our PCB expert will present this deep dive, Jeff Condit, who has 40+ years of experience in the PCB design domain.

Q&A's from Webinar
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